Happy Siblings Day


Isn’t every day a sibling day?

Every single fight for the TV remote…
Every single day of wearing each other’s clothes without even asking…
Sharing lunches and dinners…
Sharing every single secret…
Every single chugli to our parents…
Trying those martial arts or karate moves which we learned today at school…
And loads more…

Isn’t that all a part of sibling day which we really celebrate each and every day…

I know siblings are sometimes annoying…
Nobody would ever have irritated us so much that they do…
We just hope sometimes that they would have never existed…

But we always miss all those irritation and mischiefs sometimes later in future when they are not with us…

They are the best friends we can have…
Best advisors we can ever get…
Best counsellors who can really understand us…

Siblings are always the best part of our lives…

Don’t wait for some day to celebrate this bond…
Don’t wait to tell them how much they matter to you…
Don’t wait to tell them how important they are to you…

Tell them today…
Tell them now…
And celebrate your siblings day today, right now… 

Heres to all those lovely creatures without whom our lives are incomplete…


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